Blatant Harassment and Torture of a gay person by IBM and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Denver
Blatant Electronic
Harassment of a gay person by IBM and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Denver
I Christopher Michael Phillips was an employee of IBM and
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Denver from 09/19/17 until the end of May
2018. During that time, I was being constantly harassed. I a 47-year-old gay
male. During this time, I was also being harassed by the apartment above me. I
called different law agencies and they would not help me. I resigned from my
job end of May 2018 due to the harassment. I witnessed employees doing
unscrupulous things with patients because that was the way they were trained by
Anthem. After I resigned, I reported
them to the EEOC, and strange things started to happen to me after that.
Started to think I was going crazy until I talked to a doctor in Sweden. She
told me to by a RF detector and where to look for something called a V2K chip.
The detector goes off with full red bars and full loud signal on my left rear
shoulder area. At least now I know I am not crazy. Every time I try to report
this something happens, unable to make calls, lyft rides being blocked, credit
cards being blocked. The also told me to go kill myself, tells me I need to
break I went to the State Bureau of Investigations in NC on 10/25/19. They
suggested I call the Police or try the FBI. They keep saying I need to break.
The same day I tried to go to the FBI office, and they prevented me from doing
that. They also prevented me from buying food from Walmart its almost like a
false imprisonment situation. Computer programs opening and closing by
themselves, pass code changed on iPhone so I could not access it. iPhone
applications opening and closing by themselves. Worked in Information
Technology the last 10 years and I know these thing are not normal. My father
broke down in tears because he is tired of the stress this is putting on our
family especially with the credit card being constantly declined even after the
bank said its not them declining the charge. The chip also communicates to me
to do pervert things. I have attached a list of the harassment I went through
at IBM and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. Also have an MRI picture I had done
after the harassment started. I had a injuring on my neck after the harassment
started and I went through the images after the RF detector detected where that
shows where the chip on 10/23/19. No human being should be treated like this it
is pure torture. If anyone can remove this technology from me you can keep it
as long as I get a photo of it. When I try to report this and send emails the
chip wakes me up and won’t let me sleep. Its like sleep deprivation.
09/14/14 Moved to Denver after having a argument with my friend Jeremy Crowson. Most of the friends I had in my live all they did was gossip about me behind my back. I was at Jeremy wedding in 2012 when this ass hole David Hart thought It was cool to make a crack a pedophile joke at his wedding. I was running my own business at the time and I had to go into peoples homes and i could have lost money over that. If I had a regular job I would have just laughed it off. I am not going to say sorry for getting pissed off and defending my self. Summer 2014 and Jeremy got into a argument after he accused me of being with his wife which was not true then he called me a pedophile. I then called his mom and told mother that him and mostly likely his wife needed help for his heroin addiction. He was totally out of his mind. I lost 3 friends in my life do to heroin, I would rather lose his friendship than to see him 6 feet under considering the fact he has a son he needs to take care of. That is when I thought to my self why should stay here in Goldsboro where all my friends suck. Stuart had ask me before to come out there after we went there for Xmas in 2013. So I left that summer and went to Denver.
09/14/14 Moved to Denver after having a argument with my friend Jeremy Crowson. Most of the friends I had in my live all they did was gossip about me behind my back. I was at Jeremy wedding in 2012 when this ass hole David Hart thought It was cool to make a crack a pedophile joke at his wedding. I was running my own business at the time and I had to go into peoples homes and i could have lost money over that. If I had a regular job I would have just laughed it off. I am not going to say sorry for getting pissed off and defending my self. Summer 2014 and Jeremy got into a argument after he accused me of being with his wife which was not true then he called me a pedophile. I then called his mom and told mother that him and mostly likely his wife needed help for his heroin addiction. He was totally out of his mind. I lost 3 friends in my life do to heroin, I would rather lose his friendship than to see him 6 feet under considering the fact he has a son he needs to take care of. That is when I thought to my self why should stay here in Goldsboro where all my friends suck. Stuart had ask me before to come out there after we went there for Xmas in 2013. So I left that summer and went to Denver.
I Christopher Michael Phillips was an employee of IBM
starting 09/19/17 and worked at Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Denver. Anthem
contracted IBM for their end user support / field support and server tape
backup within the Anthem building at 700 Broadway Denver. The following
statements below involved IBM employees and some Anthem employees. I will
indicate IBM or Anthem on each statement or action made by either company
IBM-- Greg Newton--- Made statement I should never play the
victim then went to the back of the support room near the kitchen with 2 other
guys and they kind had a huddle and stared at me and has his arms folded. How
would Greg Newton know about inappropriate things that happened to me when I
was kid?
IBM--Scott walked passed me and said PFILE be nuts.
IBM--Patrick Beacom – Made comment about my masturbation
habit how you he know that I do not know him on a personal level how would he
know that?
IBM--Patrick Beacom--Called me when I left my apartment one
evening when I called in sick to work wanting to know where I was going? It was
from an untraceable VOIP line. This seemed a little strange and too
IBM / Anthem--when I called in sick the password on my phone
was being changed and locked out. The phone had to be erased and restored so I
could access it. This happened on 3 or more occasions. This was my personal
phone not company issued iphone.
IBM / Anthem--Was continually asking me to verify my passed
employment. I asked other IBM employee was this happening to them and they said
Anthem – Michelle Moriarty--Told me she "LIKES A BIG ONE" in
the monitor stock room. This is not the appropriate way a Manager should talk
to an employee. I could care less about what big ones she likes.
Anthem--AL-- Teasing Chris and Shaun are here.
IBM--Patrick Beacom--Trying to get me to remember my past.
IBM--Greg Newton / Anthem a guy named Kyle or Michael not
sure of his name but I set up his iphone in the 3rd floor Field
Support office and he seems gay to me. I was on the 4th floor
setting up a pc and Greg Newton walked away from his desk. After the Anthem
employee walked passed me then I head to the elevator to go back down to the 3rd
floor field support office. Then this Anthem employee walked to the men’s room
which was right beside the elevator and held his butt in the door on purpose.
IBM--My new laptop was always slow after being reimaged
several times. I asked other IBM employees were they having this issue and they
said no.
IBM--A group of newly hired women came in the same day I
resigned to get their laptops set up and one toe tapped me when I went to the
imaging table to check a pc I was working on. This also seems strange that
there were no men in the group, do they only hire women for this position?
Seems like sex discrimination.
IBM--Constructive discharge--They took work away from me when I would call in
sick. The harassment they inflicted on me was causing me anxiety and
IBM--Christopher Phillips resigned from IBM around
5/30/18 and reported some of the harassment to Richard Herrema my manager at
IBM. I did not report the harassment because I’ve been too 2 different HR dept
in the past and they did nothing to help me. In 2004 at Grifols I reported to
the HR Director that was on my Continuous Improvement team for Building SFF 610
which saved SFF $300,000 for our 6 month round on the team, the teams changed
member's every 6 months for better innovation. I reported to the HR director
TO RETRIEVE SOME BPR’S FROM THE AIRLOCK" he told me I was sensitive and they
did nothing to help with some of the discrimination against gays in the plant.
Went to HR at Saint Joseph Hospital 2016 and they did nothing to help with
unfair pay and not properly balanced workload, while closing just as many
tickets as their top LEAD in the End User Analyst Division of their IT
I got up this morning wondering where you are and are you safe and if you have been successful in talking to a lawyer we pray for your safety when are you going back to the apartment and start looking for a job we have a lot on us now financially so has Stuart do it would help us to know love mom. You’re just putting yourself in more trouble now you’re going to be public all over the country and people will come after you. God help you what documentation or proof dates etc. do you have without it it’s your word against whoever. Pictures of text at the bottom. Also told my mother I wanted to get my own place and she said don't live above or below anybody.
07/29/18 - 08/20/18 After I resigning from IBM / Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield I went to LA hoping to get break from this harassment but the harassment followed me where ever I went. Was going to visit Jay Bailey and his ex girl friend Maria Smith, after talking to Jay on the phone he had moved to NC. I also called my mom when I was in LA and she started to question my sexuality and I came out to my parents Christmas of 1997. Went to visit Jays mom and Maria Evans Smith and Jays mom invited me to stay with her. When we were at Maria place she wanted Mrs Bailey and Me to go somewhere. When we went out to the parking lot this cute fair skin guy with Blonde Spiked hair came out went to car opened the car door and started starting at me and Maria said do you like that guy, go talk to him. I told her he was cute but was very confused because it looked like Shaun Mahoney but Shaun does not have Blonde Spiked hair so I would not walk up to him. When we got into Mrs Baileys van Mrs Bailey drove and stop right at this guy car as if she wanted me to get another look at him. I gave the guy a strange look with my eye browse down as a look of confusion and he responded with the same and we drove off. Later that week Maria Demanded that I leave Mrs Bailey house even though Mrs Baileys wanted me to stay. Me and Maria got into a yelling match and Mrs Bailey ran out of the house. When me and Maria were done yelling I went out side to talk to Mrs Bailey and she was talking to lady the looked like Faith Mahoney holding a young child. I told Mrs Bailey if she wanted me to leave she should have told me her self and she said that she didn't want me to leave and that was all Maria. Pictures and LinkedIn message proving that there was a guy that looked like Shaun Mahoney at Maria apartment complex. This seemed like a very cruel thing to do to a human being. I have always been their for anyone that ever needed my help including family and friends. People will take advantage of you.
06/2018 after I left
IBM / Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield to visit my parents, while I was there I
called Lark to see how Jeremy was doing and she asked me to go look at a car she
wanted to by so me and Spencer could check it out. After we checked out the car
Lark we went to lunch then Lark wanted to go to a thrift store and this Dewayne
guy was there near the cash register like he was staring at people checking
them out or something. I met this guy same Dewayne when I use to drive back cars,
they bought from wholesalers for Matthew motors ran by Butch Quick, Larks
brother and we always road or drove together. Dewayne started asking me weird
questions about inappropriate things that happened to me when I was a kid. He
was a stranger to me and thought he was a weirdo after that, was not comfortable
talking about that with a stranger. After the thrift store Lark wanted me to run
the VIN number of the car to check it for accidents or any other issues. While
I was at my computer Lark placed her hand on my leg and was looking in my crotch.
This started to creep me out and then she stopped. I’ve known her since about
12 years old when me and her son Jeremy started hanging out. She never did anything
like that before.
I got up this morning wondering where you are and are you safe and if you have been successful in talking to a lawyer we pray for your safety when are you going back to the apartment and start looking for a job we have a lot on us now financially so has Stuart do it would help us to know love mom. You’re just putting yourself in more trouble now you’re going to be public all over the country and people will come after you. God help you what documentation or proof dates etc. do you have without it it’s your word against whoever. Pictures of text at the bottom. Also told my mother I wanted to get my own place and she said don't live above or below anybody.
07/29/18 - 08/20/18 After I resigning from IBM / Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield I went to LA hoping to get break from this harassment but the harassment followed me where ever I went. Was going to visit Jay Bailey and his ex girl friend Maria Smith, after talking to Jay on the phone he had moved to NC. I also called my mom when I was in LA and she started to question my sexuality and I came out to my parents Christmas of 1997. Went to visit Jays mom and Maria Evans Smith and Jays mom invited me to stay with her. When we were at Maria place she wanted Mrs Bailey and Me to go somewhere. When we went out to the parking lot this cute fair skin guy with Blonde Spiked hair came out went to car opened the car door and started starting at me and Maria said do you like that guy, go talk to him. I told her he was cute but was very confused because it looked like Shaun Mahoney but Shaun does not have Blonde Spiked hair so I would not walk up to him. When we got into Mrs Baileys van Mrs Bailey drove and stop right at this guy car as if she wanted me to get another look at him. I gave the guy a strange look with my eye browse down as a look of confusion and he responded with the same and we drove off. Later that week Maria Demanded that I leave Mrs Bailey house even though Mrs Baileys wanted me to stay. Me and Maria got into a yelling match and Mrs Bailey ran out of the house. When me and Maria were done yelling I went out side to talk to Mrs Bailey and she was talking to lady the looked like Faith Mahoney holding a young child. I told Mrs Bailey if she wanted me to leave she should have told me her self and she said that she didn't want me to leave and that was all Maria. Pictures and LinkedIn message proving that there was a guy that looked like Shaun Mahoney at Maria apartment complex. This seemed like a very cruel thing to do to a human being. I have always been their for anyone that ever needed my help including family and friends. People will take advantage of you.
2017-2018 Personal phone locked and password changed after calling into work sick. This happened about 4 times even after switching from Pixel 2 to a Iphone. Many events similar to ones below happened when I tried to email for help or make reports to the FBI.
10/17 10:00 am Calls being declined when trying to call Lambda Legal after going to Equality North Carolina to report prior employers IBM and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield for harassment.
10/24 10:00am Laptop applications opening by them self’s.
10/25 12:30 pm Went to SBI in Raleigh NC to report harassment and hacking of devices. When I came home to take care of an errand put FBI address into Lyft so I could make a report to them and accounts were all declined and credit card was declined even after bank and Lyft was called and they did not decline the charges. Father in tears after IBM and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield put our family through so much stress with cards being constantly declined and having to get new cards on several occasions. Card declined all weekend and could not buy food or go anywhere. You can say that is a form of falls imprisonment.
10/26 02:51 pm PHONE Adam for Adam application closed by
itself and then Walmart app opened by itself
10/27 02:56 am Woke up buy loud squealing in ear.
10/27 03:39 am laptop Gmail would not open
10/27 04:18 am Laptop Music stopping itself
10/27 06:39 am Laptop Email failing and being sent back
after trying to email people that can help.
11/09 05:35 pm Changed Spectrum password and still could not
login. Roku not letting me watch cable
11/11 08:08 pm Laptop When writing to Lambda Legal computer
closes notes and opens other applications. Constantly changing zoom when trying
to type new harassment notes on Laptop. After disabling network connections, it
stops. I have pictures and documents. Please visit my blog for more
12/26 12:45 pm Google, YouTube accounts suspended after making post to defend myself against the perpetrators that invaded my privacy, VIOLATED my Civil Rights, and Fraud. How can this be ethical when they allow pornography on those sites? Instagram not allowing me to like pictures anymore or make comments.
11/29 03:00 pm Harassment Word Documents wiped clean from iphone. When sending emails to News Papers about my harassment the emails are deleted from my phone including sent folder, draft folder and Trash folder.
11/30 05:00 am Woke up by high pitch squeal in left ear. They do this when I report things. Device communicates they have a picture of me masturbating to picture. Also communicates your having a nervous reaction Chris they are trying to make me have nervous reactions so they can document it. Also communicates to me to do pervert things in public which I will not do.
11/29 03:00 pm Harassment Word Documents wiped clean from iphone. When sending emails to News Papers about my harassment the emails are deleted from my phone including sent folder, draft folder and Trash folder.
11/30 05:00 am Woke up by high pitch squeal in left ear. They do this when I report things. Device communicates they have a picture of me masturbating to picture. Also communicates your having a nervous reaction Chris they are trying to make me have nervous reactions so they can document it. Also communicates to me to do pervert things in public which I will not do.
12/02 08:30am Went to pick up car from parents, my father is extremely ill and looks like he is at deaths door. These people have affected my fathers health. I promise you if my father passes they will PAY for it.
12/08 12:24 pm Spoke with a friend named Reagan about my harassment and she said even in a cruel world Chris there are people that care about you. This woman was is a doctor. I don't believe people that care about you should TORTURE you. Do these people have any moral ethics? Michael Lewis Reagan's father aloud a drug dealer to live in there home with there son Mark Lewis VP ETHICS?
12/17 11:30 am. Device communicating to me again you need to BREAK CHRIS. Tell these people what you did Chris. We have pictures and videos of you masturbating Chris. I have had several break downs in my life. My first break down was when 13 years old, I was starting to realize I was gay and possibly caused by some inappropriate things that happened to me when I was a kid but I did not start remembering those those things until my early 20's. I took some of my mothers muscle relaxers hoping I would just go to sleep. Mom and dad called the SJAFB hospital they ask how many I took and they said not to worry I should be fine. Mom and dad ask what was wrong and I would not talked to them or go to school for a week and stayed in bed. My parents got Betty Parker to come over and she tried to talk to me but did not want to tell anyone. Had a break down in 1996. Another in 2006 and was in the hospital for a week. Now these very EVIL people are using this device to torture me and tell me to break. These perpetrators are PATHETIC excuses for HUMAN BEINGS.
12/18 02:00 am. Woke up by device. Device chanting and making fun of masturbation. Device chanting your not mailing letter to the ACLU today. 12/17 I spoke to a lawyer on the phone and he told me to write a letter to some ACLU offices and that is what I'm doing today after I get some more sleep. Also chanting you will never sleep again Chris if you do this. The device does this sleep deprivation thing when I'm planning to contact people they don't like.
12/19 04:02 am Woke up by device again. You have to stop posting Chris and sending out letters Chris. Tell them what you did Chris. We have pictures and videos of you masturbating Chris.
12/21 12:28 pm. Start a new Job in Monday 12/23/19. Hope my lift rides are not declined. This happened to me a lot when I worked at IBM / Anthem Blew Cross Blue Shield and I had a few thousands dollars in my account. Called share ride companies and they told me they did not decline it. Called me bank they did not decline it. Also happened when I tried to go to the FBI. Seems to be who done it mystery? No its not new, they have been doing it for years, specially communist country’s. They will never stop and it will only get worse as the technology grows. I believe these stalkers are a bunch of cowardly narcissistic with a perverted addiction that invade peoples privacy and violate there civil rights out of the 10 amendments we have in our constitution. They love to belittle, bully, harass, humiliate, lie, intimated and torture people. Its a sad thing that our country allows this to be done to any human being. Maybe they will come up with a rehab program similar to AA for these pathetic excuses for human beings.
12/22 09:00 pm. As I was following news stations to my Instagram account they started to unfollow in front of my eyes. I looked at my follow count before that and I had 2138 then when they started to unfollow I had 2049. I have pictures with times stamps on them. They are also time stamped inside the code of the pictures.
12/27 05:00pm During driving in Goldsboro NC the harassment was so bad I ran a Red Light. Could have hurt my self and a innocent by stander. Wow IBM and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Denver Colorado you really care about people??? If you notice Anthems FINES from this year and years past they have the highest fines for breaking regulations. BCBS needs to send them a warning letter if they are a true NON-PROFIT as they say they are.
12/30 03:40am Forced wake up. Device communicating. Chris we are social workers working with the CIA. We need to take picture of your penis.
12/31 05:40pm I started a new job doing IT for Caterpillar. The device is turned on all day and they constantly bombard me at work all the time. Never a minutes rest.
01/04 09:00am Forced wakeup. Trying
to remind me of my adolescents.
01/07 07:11am Device active and communicating to call in sick to work, but did not. Also saying don't react Chris. keeps telling me to masturbate and do weird things.
01/07 09:00pm. Will be on Iheart Radio at 9pm with Ella Free.
01/09 07:00am Playing things through device while I am asleep making me dream. The device was doing this when I was living with my brother. I caught it, they did not cut it off as soon as I woke. Making me dream.
01/09 08:44am Buzzy Porter is the guy I am living with and they make light sounds through the shower when i am in it. They are trying to make me react and look crazy like they did when I was living with my brother and then he denied the sound after he ran into his bedroom. He works at RDU airport.
01/11 11:32am Device communicating to me. Christopher we are not going to stop until you break down. Christopher you need to drink and drive. Christopher we need to take a picture of your penis. We have pictures and videos of you masturbating Christopher
01/12 0155pm Messages removed from my grindr account.
01/13 0235am Forced wakeup.
01/17 1225am Forced wakeup.
01/22 0123am Forced wakeup.
01/23 0325pm Calls failed twice with a full signal while at HCL. Same number I several times before from the same location that morning. Device stated your not talking to any more recruiters Chris.
01/25 0914am Internet connect on phone keeps failing for no reason. Secret questions changed on bank account web page.
01/29 0246am and 0356am forced wakeup.
01/31 0255am Forced wakeup.
01/31 0530pm. We have pictures of you masturbating Chris. We have pictures with finger prints on them Chris which is not true. I went home got all my photo albums from when I was first born until now and threw them all in the trash. These people are truly EVIL CUNTS. They are always playing mind games with me. Our government or who ever has the money to run this type of operation are true destroyers of families. The have absolutely NO COMPASSION.
02/02 0710pm While taking to a friend on Tinder all messages disappeared from Tinder and My match. All notifications of the conversation also disappeared from my iPhone. That does not happen unless someone manually removes them. This guy was also a radiologist.
02/03 0131am Forced wakeup kept me up all night long.
02/03 1011pm You have a death wish Chris.
02/07 0211am Forced wakeup, 0403am forced wake up CUNTS!!! I was up all night.
02/07 0830am Work for HCL which does contract enterprise service desk call center work for Caterpillar INC. I always restart my pc when I leave for work. My HCL email has not worked for 6 weeks after manger after manger reported it. I need this to get critical updates that we need to better serve or Caterpillar customers. Today at work I was down for 30 mins in 08 systems issues. Windows closing by them self's for no reason. Tickets disappearing after I filled them out and having to do it again after the customer was off the phone. The device communicated we are not going to stop until you break Chris. HCL Manager Eric Tant refused to help me after asking him for help and he was just standing there talking to people. I sat in many shadow training with other HCL employees and this never happened. I have worked in IT for many years and I know when something is not right. Never had any issue at any places with any PC except for IBM/ Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield and the harassment they put me through there and now HCL. Seems like a serious security breach in my opinon.
02/08 0519pm Went out today to get a hair cut and eat dinner and while I was out the device was communicating NERVOUS REACTION CHRIS. It would do this specially around women and children. I have never had any nervous reactions around anyone until the CUNTS put this bullshit in me. Hung out with all types of people including there kids and i have never had any nervous reactions. These people are truly evil and pathetic excuses for human beings trying to make me nervous around people. Even a crazy person would not make up something like that in their mind. I am sure a physiologist with good ethics would agree with me. Also someone keeps shutting down my gay social apps. I've used these apps for years and they do not shut down by them self's.
02/12 0103am Forced wakeup.
02/12 0411pm When trying to open important email on my iPhone it kept going back to inbox and would not open. It was concerning an email from a recruiter. I work in IT NOT NORMAL.
02/17 1233am Forced wakeup.
02/17 0130pm Looking for a apt to rent on Craiglist the last 2 weeks Every time some spam link directing me to some other site. This did not happen when I was looking on CL back in September. I like someone does not want me to move out of this apartment.
02/17 0649pm. While applying on indeed my Cover letter changed to KOI then wont let me post the same cover letter ive used for years. When i post it says origination not accepted.
02/17 0936pm Device keeps repeating fuzzy wuzzy. I live with a guy named Buzzy. When I cough while i was watching tv the device kept repeating nervous reaction Chris. Even a crazy person would not make that up in there mind it just doesn't make sense. We have pictures of your penis Christopher.
02/18 0403am and 0522am. Forced wakeup. Chris we are not going to let you sleep until you break. Chris your a rapist and ive never raped anybody. While driving, Chris you need to get into a car accident. These people have no conscience and they don't care who they hurt with there devices.
02/18 0836pm. Grinder account canceled after making post about the CUNTS that did this crap to me. Ive been on Grinder for 8 years and never done anything to get my account canceled and I pay for the membership.
02/18 0933pm Update from Grinder, emailed their support team and they said that I was permanently band from Grinder but would not give me the reason. I have never done anything inappropriate on there the 8 years that I have been a member. It was working fine today then when I posted about the CUNTS on my blog and my social profiles my account was blocked. I did not make any post on Grinder about the harassment.
02/19 0729pm when trying to send email to doctors listed on my support sites, font was changed and could not hit send button at bottom. I then found a loop hole around that and then they did the same thing.
02/20 0904pm While at work host name of a computer changed before my eyes. Customer saw it to. What is going on with HCL and Caterpillar INC? All day today Chris your credit card is cancelled. Chris your credit card is cancelled. It very easy these days to make people look crazy. ANYTHING CAN BE HACKED. CIA has been doing it to their own US citizens for YEARS!!! Edward Snowden and Julian Assange is prof of this. Chris Faith Had a heart attack. Well guess what Faith I dont frigin care. That bull shit that you and Minnie Davis pulled on me at your home on Oleander drive was bullshit Faith, seems like you can get a away with Murder CUNT!!! You are a werido and im not showing you any type of remorse CUNT!!!
02/22 0257am Forced wakeup.
02/22 0228pm When posting on facebook today somehow my password was changed and I was locked out of my account. We need pictures of your penis Christopher. Theres going to me a funeral Chris.
02/23 0318pm Facebook password changed and locked out of my account for the second time this week
02/24 0757pm. When trying to like paged sent to me someone logged me out of Facebook. When I log back in the pages i liked have been unlike. Also Chris there is going to be a funeral.
02/25 0146am Forced wake up, loud bang on my wall. That wall is located in the stairwell behind my room. We have elevators there.
02/25 1257pm While at work the password on my Facebook account was locked out and changed again. Reported to Facebook. With proof and pictures. Craigslist email to rent an apartment disappeared from my inbox.
02/26 0313pm I feel the floor shake under me at HCL in cary. The building is not that tall it should no be doing that happens a few times a day.
02/27 0650am Loud bang on my floor from apartment below us while laying in bed. My room mate may be blind in one eye but I now hes not deaf. Our address in 3811 Lunceston Way #303. The apartment below is is #203. This also happens in the bathroom. After making comment on blog my whole PC locked up at HCL and Caterpillar.PC still not acting after restarting. Chip communicating
were not going to stop until you break Chris. System extremely slow at HCL this not good customer service. Tickets that were in my call list went from Resolved to progress right in front of my eyes in our service now system.Then went back to resolved.
02/27 0627pm. I came home and made my normal post of my social sites. The comment I put which said to see how my day went please check out my blog. Was then changed after I posted it to a early comment I made this morning about a loud bang on the floor.
02/27 0749pm Roku player keeps turning off my favorite channel. It never does this and it has a hard wired connection. Reset it twice and doing the same thing. Roku players changing channels by itself.
02/28 0448am Forced wakeup.
02/28 I am also being block from moving into apts. People talk to be then they turn me down. The chip is communicating you cant leave Buzzys Chris we are going to block you.
03/02 0358am Forced wakeup.
03/02 1026am Someone keeps removing my post from Craigs List looking for a apartment to rent.
03/02 0255pm While trying to connect to teams to help a Caterpillar customer. My phone kept logging me out of teams and it never does this. And the app switched
03/02 0414pm Facebook pages un liking after i like them
03/02 1142pm Forced wake up loud bang on floor from apartment 203 below us.
03/03 0655am Having strange dreams about people ive never dreamed about before. Like someone is making me dream this. Then device communicating you need to freak out at work Chris.
03/03 0220pm Device communication if you post when you get home your not getting paid tomorrow.
03/03 0301pm After trying to contact a Doctor that supports TI's phone loses network connection to LinkedIn. Keeps saying tell us what you did and then I ask whst did I do and they say were just joking Christopher. Keeps saying you need to Break Chris?? What is a break???
03/06 0132am Forced wakeup.
03/07 0316pm While eating at BBQ place device was communicating nervous reaction Chris, repeatedly.
03/08 0116am Forced wakeup, Device repeatedly playing your horny Chris. Over and over again. When I was living with my brother in Greenwood village around 12/2017. I woke up to you love Shaun you love Shaun be repeatedly played my this device then it stop 15 secs after I opened my eyes. I was awake before that but left my eyes closed for a while.
03/08 0447pm Went to get a hair cut and the device started doing it again. I've never been nervous around women or children but it seems like these people are trying to make me have nervous reactions. Again repeatedly saying nervous reaction Chris. Even a crazy person would not make that up in the mind.
03/08 0908pm I have Dwayne's address. This was the guy that was asking weird question when we drove cars back from auctions for Matthew Motors in Goldsboro NC back in 08/2014. The manager at Matthew motors was Butch Quick which is Lark Herrings brother. He ask me questions about inappropriate things that happened to me when I was a child. I did not know this guy but thought he was a weirdo. He then ask me to come do some electrical work at his house which i did cause I needed the money. Dwaynes address at that time was 107 Diamond Court Lagrange NC and his phone number at the time was 919-440-1072. Watch out for this guy hes a weirdo. He was also at a thrift store when me and lark herring went out to eat then she did some freaky shit and looked into my crotch and rubbed my leg. Ive know her since I was 12 and she has never done anything like that before. Its like someone told her to do that. Also Larks brother butch quick committed suicide 09/2018.
03/09 1223am Forced wakeup and several times through the early morning hours. 0230pm at working training new employee chip communicating nervous reaction Chris. When I work 0348pm chip communicating theirs going to be a funeral Chris, theirs going to be a funeral Chris. These people are nothing but grown pathetic bullies. I have a physiologist now and she knows the gangstlaking is real. She has written several books and also help people win cases against perpetrators.
03/09 0639pm Was talking to someone at Targeted justice, this chip communicates your going to Florida Chris. Well guess what is in FL they have something called the Baker act and you can have someone committed. I ll call 911 straight away if anything like that happens and my civil rights are violated.
03/11 0848. While at work HCL and Caterpillar saving tickets that I already create a INC and verified that it was correct it in service now was changed back to a general inquiry. While typing in mail back space was not working, applications a normally access on my phone not working. Floor shaking under me on occasion. Chip communicating we are not going to stop until you break Chris. Keeps saying tell us what you did Chris.When looking up V2K countermeasures at work the sites can not be reached but all other sites work.
03/12 1135pm While watching History Channel on ROKU it is going to commercials every 2 minutes. Check for updates and restarted ROKU, and same thing is happening. I posted a bunch of affidavits, patents and government research on my site this evening and it started after that.
03/13 0754am At work HCL and Caterpillar. Windows opening and closing by them self. After I made this post my main service now window closed, book marks redirecting me to different pages. things being highlighted that i did not highlight. TOTAL DISREGARD FOR CATERPILLAR CUSTOMERS. Remote systems not working correctly. Copy and paste not working slowing down my production.
03/13 0628pm Roku again going to commercial every 2 minutes. If 2FA can be hack a Roku would be a lite snack for a hacker. Remember last night, it only started doing that after I put more evidence on my blog.
03/13 0813pm. After telling an older man that massaged me on Plenty Of Phish I was not interested and like younger men. My google play music stopped and would not play for 5 mins and I had a full signal and there was hissing in my ear buds.
03/15 1246pm. Younger men I have talked to are being removed from my Tinder account and Plenty Of Phish account. Messages romoved. You are not going to change me ASSHOLE CUNTS!!!! I live my live by my rules not YOURS!!!
03/15 0122pm. USB hotspot being constantly disabled.
03/15 0427pm. Someone is hacking my Plenty Of Fish account and making matches with women. I GAY YOU IGNORANT IDIOTS!!!
03/18 1243am. Forced wake ups through the night.
03/18 While at work harassment continues, through pc. Pages opening up by them self's and closing by them self's. Worked at all kinds of places and never had issues like I do at HCL and Caterpillar. These are major companies. You would think they would have there SHIT together. HCL is blocking email to my email with my time sheets to get paid. Keep getting turned down for rooms to rent. After adding HCL and Caterpillar presidents to my link in profile my History Channel was cut off. Now history channel will not work at all.
3/19 0100am Forced wake-ups all night with high pitch buzzing in my ear. Called into to work because i was to tired to go.
3/20 0630pm How pathetic these people are nothing but pure bullies. There is going to be a funeral Chris. Also stopped at CVS when i came out my lights were on and my sunroof was open on my car. Happened at HCL twice this week but I ignored it. I never leave my lights on there is also a signal in the car the tells you if you leave your lights on. If I would have left my lights on all day the battery would be dead. Its pitch black when I get to work and anyone would notice that.
03/21 Reported hacking to Raleigh Police Detective Emser, several emails with proof and he does not respond to my emails. He came to visit me at the condo where I live and gave me his business card.
03/23 Forced wakeup buzzing in ear. I have a RF bug detector when I put it on my ear it goes off.
03/23 While working from home some how they were able to play this repeated stuff in my headphones at a low interval like they do with the chip. When I threatened to post it on my blog it stopped Immediately!!!
03/23 I reported some inappropriate things that happened to me in Wayne County NC when I was a child on 2 occasions on 10-07-19. The sheriff did his job but the DA said it was told on and probably could not win the case. The Officer was Craig D.R.#8253. The DA refused to take the case its not the officers fault. Same officer on both reports so I assume same DA. I will post these report tomorrow after I go to fed ex.
03/24 Early am Forced wakeup buzzing in ear. Some one banged on the tub from apartment below when I went to use the bathroom.
03/27 0117am Forced wakeup buzzing in ear. Chris we are going to brain washing you, the device keeps repeat that. It is putting thoughts into my head ive never had before. We are not going to stop until you break Chris. Device also repeating you had a relationship Chris but then when I ask who the device says were just joking Chris. The same thing is says tell us what you did Chris and I say your not brain washing me cunts and the it reply's were just joking Chris. Wow we have one fucked up Government that would allow a agency to do this to someone. WOW what a wonder Birthday I am having today.
03/27 0806pm Now I am being blocked from posting videos of evidence of what has been done to me with the devices. I was able to post one at the top of this page.
03/28 0413am Forced wake-up buzzing in ear. Found with G318 detector a Doctor of Physics to me to buy. Device repeating perverted things like he put his thing on me. It is always repeating things that is not true. When I was at work it told me to take off my clothes and masturbate which I did not do of course.
03/29 1235pm Device repeating Wanda's here Chris and she passed away almost 2 years ago. Then it said shes in witness protection Chris. Why would she be in witness protection that is absolutely ludicrous. When I talk to people on line or in public it repeats stop talking to people Chris they they are trying to isolate me. Every weekend morning someone knocks on my bed room window around the time and we are on the top floor apt 203 is below us. Also we can see your dreams and thoughts Chris. And the banging on the bottom of the tub which people that stay there are going to lie. I have plenty of harassment emails a reports from the harassment at the apt in Colorado from the people living above us. My bother Stuart Phillips also reported this harassment in Colorado but now he is denying it.
03/31 1132pm Forced wakeup Device repeating tell them what you did chris tell them what you did Chris. Put your arms around me Chris. Device repeating go drink and party chris.
03/31 0413am Forced wakeup buzzing in ear. Device repeating Faith had a heart attack. More threats theirs going to be a funeral. Device repeating perverted things
04/01 0724 Loud bang on bottom of bathtub
04/01 0240pm Parents gave me a visa gift card for my Birthday but no matter how I try to register it online to pay for my 2019 taxes I just prepared online today it will not register and the card has $100 balance.
04/01 0252pm Now my debit card is being declined and I have money in my account. It finally went though but it took 5 attempts and made sure all the information was correct before I hit submit. So lets think about this. If it was the bank doing that it would still be declining it until they called and verified or sent me and alert that is usually how it works. Not one single alert.
04/01 0640pm. I would not put this on here before I was worried people would think I am crazy. But I know in not crazy and not worried about that anymore. I have a psychologist and she knows all about this technology. When I enter my password on any device they are repeated back to me through the device. This is a total disregard for anyones online security including the corporations we work for. Edward Snowden was right to do what he did. I was against him at first but know I understand why he did what he did.
04/01 0902pm When I tried to join the Massachusetts Targeted Individuals conference call the number was changed from what it was supposed to be in my phone and my access code would not work so I had to do it manually.
04/01 1031pm They kept turning the device in my ear up and down the the highest level and would not let me sleep. They did that because I went on the conference call when they tried to stop me from being on the call.
04/02 0400pm While I was reading on my pc something dialed 911 on my avaya one x soft-phone. I was no where near the keys for one x. It happened twice and then was removed from the call log. Remember I work for HCL technologies and our project is Caterpillar remote support.
04/03 1029am Floor slightly shaking below my chair just like at HCL. The device says then says tell them what you did Chris. Like I said had some strange dreams ive never had before like they were put there on purpose. These are very bad people and cowards.
04/03 1150am Just went to toilet and there was bang on the bottom of the tub in the bathroom.
04/03 0217pm While looking for apartments device repeat your not moving Chris and then they turn on the device in my ear to get me to stop. But im not STOPPING!!!
04/03 0301pm All my screens on my HCL issued PC closed by themselves but not Citrix.
04/03 0422pm Went to get my eyes check at the eye doctors office while I was there the Device started to communicate Niger, Niger, Niger. Then while I was in the eye doctor chair where you look into the scope the device told me to take of my clothes and masturbate which I did not do of course did this when i was at the HCL corp office before then sent us home to work. My eyes are in perfect health and 20/20 vision. The doctor said the weird rainbow images are being caused from stress. Its called an eye migraine. The stress I am having is caused from this harassment. Can also be a sign of rental detachment but the doctor said that my eyes are perfectly healthy. Could possible have a stroke down the road but these CUNTS DONT CARE CAUSE FAITH HAD A HEART ATTACK. Its a sad world when the GOV fucks with people to be vindictive over some gossip that started from defending myself when I was running my own business and people made jokes about me at Jeremy Crowsons wedding with Angel. I could have lost business over that. People made jokes on me before but I was working in the corp world pissed me off but did not defend myself then.
04/04 0447am Forced wakeup buzzing in ear. Device repeating we warned you not to post Chris, we warned you not to post Chris. I also emailed HCL technology's security team yesterday and ask then to put some type of monitoring software on my HCL desktop.
04/05 0735pm While watching 60 minutes on CBS about holocaust survivors being regenerated with AI 3D hologram. A young man asked a survivor did you want to seek revenge? Then I repeated to the device and said that is what you are doing to me over lies and gossip basically revenge. The chip in my ear was turned on immediately to a high pitch. I mean who is paying for this I assume its the GOV because anytime I reach out for help they do not respond except an email I received from the White House a Few months ago.
04/06 0425pm Slight taps around the apt. Its not the cats I know what they sound like when they jump up and down off of things. Floor slightly shake under my chair where I work from home. It never did this until I started working from home. Then the devices says tell them what you did Chris and then I ask them what did I do they say they have pictures and then they say we are just joking Chris when I ask.
04/07 1202am Forced wakeup. The device is using voices from people from my passed trying to deceive me. Sounds like a voice of Dwight Bryant lots of times and other people claiming to be faith and Shaun Mahoney, David heart, Wanda Best, Greg newton, Patrick Beacom who passed away a few years ago. On this wakup it communicated you like women Chris and Im starting to hate women specially these ones that were harassing me and my brother at the apt in Denver Colorado. Now repeating Davie Thompson I never really hung out with him. Why would they do that.
04/07 1054am. Went on back porch to smoke and a white car pulled up and a women came out of the car and device started repeating nervous reaction Chris, nervous reaction Chris. Also repeating VPN Christopher VPN Christopher. We need to tell you something Chris like they trying to implant a false memory. Then you like black women chris. I DONT LIKE WOMEN, THESE PEOPLE RUNNING THIS DEVICE ARE IDIOTS!!! I never liked any women in any type of relationship but I do tend to like men younger than me. These people are violating my rights, constitutional rights and amendments electronically.
04/07 0223pm Floor under chair shaking again. Device is now telling me to go out and use drugs saying rehab, rehab, rehab. I don't even like pot, keeps saying marijuana Chris.
04/07 0312pm Went to bathroom and there was a bang on the bottom of the tub again.
Keeps communicating speak to us Chris, speak to us Chris we have a bug in your ear. That part is true. I found it with a RF detector just not sure the exact location. 0627pm Chair Slightly shook again. 0635pm Just making my daily post they turned my ear on. 0653pm My VPN shut down device repeating VPN chris VPN Chris.
04/07 1028pm Device communicating Wanda Best did this to you Chris.
04/07 1054pm We have pictures Chris. Tell them what you did Chris. I say show me pictures and then they say we are just joking Chris. Turned my ear all the way up again to keep me from sleeping. David Hart did this to you Chris. Then they started using his Daughter name Maddy Hart.
04/08 0316am Forced wake-up loud pitch in ear.
04/08 1001am Device repeating fuzzy wuzzy over and over again. Floor under Chair shook and said the us what you did chris. Apt 203 is under us 3811 lunceston way. They keep calling me a pedophile. I am not a pedophile.
04/08 0210pm Turned on my ear loud pitch when looking at ethical hacking courses. Youtube sound will not work now for watching IT training videos. It worked fine before
04/08 0235pm While trying to purchase cybrary account my card was debit card was declined I need this for IT training to further my career.
04/08 0645pm Having eye migraines again. This is the chip doing this. Had eye exam last week and the doctor told me my eyes were totally healthy with 20/20 vision. He said its caused by stress. Let me show you what this looks like.
04/09 11:09am Knocking on walls from apartment beside us. Of course there going to say no bodys in there to make me look crazy, same shit that was going on at apt October 2017 at apartment the viridian apartment complex in Greenwood Village CO. My brother Stuart Phillips heard this too and sent emails but now denies it when we were in apt 177. 11:55am loud bang on floor. 02:39pm Loud bang on floor All my screens closed by themselves. 03:15 Device keeps repeating sorry chris sorry chris Faith had a heart attack. After I said you not brain washing me there was a long bang on the wall from apartment beside us. These very pathetic excuses for human beings have been doing this crap to me since December 2017 playing there device at night when I am sleeping. Anything could be put into your head by doing that repeatedly. 0617pmDevcie repeating VPN Chris VPN Chris Oh my god Chris
04/10 01:20am Forced wakeup buzzing in ear. Device repeating the end is near Chris, the end is near Chris. Device repeated the FBI is doing this to you Chris. The FBI is doing this to you Chris.
04/10 10:08am Woke up device repeating Stephen Chris, Stephen Chis, that is strange I had a dream about Stephen Rhodes form Goldsboro, Me and my parents use to go eat at his restaurants in Goldsboro the Brown Bag Cafe and the Match Box Steak House. I had a crush on him but he was married. First time I ever had a dream about him. He likes to take things and turn them into gold so to speak as businesses. The dream I was helping him remodel a failing grocery store. STRANGE
10:18am Device repeating Suzy Chris, Suzy Chris. Someone removed information from my blog. Here are the listed name the device uses to perpetrate how is doing this to me. Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, IBM, FBI, Social Workers, Faith Mahoney, Shaun Mahoney, Peter Mahoney, Wanda Best, Suzy Parker, Greg Newton, Patrick Beacom, Dwight Bryant, David Hart, Maddy Hart. Mrs Baily, Maria Evans among others. AGAIN SOME ONE REMOVED INFO FROM BY BLOG that i posted yesterday. This is a plot of vindiction over mostly Gossip and some truth. 11:40am Device repeating horny Christopher, horny Christopher. I am not horny im working. 01:32pm Floor slightly shaking under my desk. Remember I sit here to eat breakfast before we came home to work and this never happened before except when I was at work before they sent us home to work because of Covid 19. 02:05 Device repeating tell the what you did Chris we have pictures of you masturbating Chris. Well show me the picture, we are just joking Chris The FBI did this to you Chris. Device repeating go smoke a cigarette Chris and I just smoke one. 03:31 Device repeating Fuzzy Wuzzy Chris. Buzzy knows I like younger men, he is older than me. My mind would not make this up. 03:50pm on lunch break Just matched with a guy on Tinder 36 years old. The match and whole conversation has been removed from My phone and Tinder. Device repeated we are not going to stop until you break Chris. 05:53pm Just order a sleeping mask from amazon. Did not order 2 only ordered 1. Have 2 different emails. Set me 2 different invoices. With 2 different invoice number. If you order 2 of the same they are both on the same invoice. 06:19pm Device said Faith had a heart attack I laughed and the floor shook under my feet but I was not from laughing hard I barely laughed.
09:06 Device repeating your horny Chris, your horny Chris while watching The Office movie. The Anderson Chris, Anderson Chris. 10:37pm Device repeating fuck you Chris, fuck you Chris god dammit. 11:32pm Device repeating you have to now, you have to now. 11:43pm Said I agree with what Edward Snowden did and they turned my ear on full pitch.
04/11 10:07am Woke up device repeating you have not fucked me hard enough Chris, you have not fuck me hard enough Chris.
I am talking to journalist, reporters and radio stations.
Dewayne From Matthews Motors Goldsboro NC
No Picture.
Ask me inappropriate questions when we were working together at Matthews Motors Goldsboro NC.
Greg Newton Patrick Beacom
No Picture.
Ask me inappropriate questions when we were working together at Matthews Motors Goldsboro NC.
Greg Newton Patrick Beacom
Told me never play the victim
How would he know about things that happened to me when I was a child?
Patrick Beacom said something about my masturbation. What would know about that I never masturbated at work. Me and my brother were being bombarded with harassment from the Apt above us at The Viridian Apt Complex. I called in sick one day and Pat called me from a unlisted VoIP line as soon as I closed the to door to our Apt and wanted to know where I was going. That is a little TO coincidental.
Michelle Moriarty Daniel Kruse

Michelle told me she LOVES BIG ONE in the IT tech room.
Daniel told me I made someone
Very Anxious would not tell me
their names.
Stuart Phillips told me his was going to have a meeting with some people but would not tell me who they were. This was around the same time that Daniel said I made some people very anxious. Stuart also sent me a text a few weeks ago saying I was crazy and he did know anything about the harassment. I was washing clothes one night and Stuart told me to go to bed and I told him when I am done washing my clothes. Then there was aloud bang directly from the Apt above me and Stuart ran into his room like he was scared. He then denied this in a text 11/19/19 told me he was crazy. Stuart has emails on google servers where he sent emails to the front office about the harassment and phone calls.
Stuart Phillips Minnie Davis

Mrs Bailey and Maria Text to Maria about Impostor
Lark Quick Herring Threat Text Mother 7/2018 Threat Text Mother 7/2018
Faith Mahoney. Hope you have another heart attack weirdo faith mahoney!!! David Hart was charged with Intent to sale and deliver Cocaine in 1995
I kept his wife Lindy Evans from going to jail
I kept his wife Lindy Evans from going to jail
Brendan, I met a guy on scruff that called his self Brendan and he ask me to come to the Bridge Water Hotel, Nice guy but he seemed nervous and would not look me in the eye. We talked for about an hour and he said he had to leave. He changed clothes and when he came out the bedroom he was wearing a pink hat the said ask you mama. I bought that same hat when i went to visit Maria and Mrs Bailey but mine was dark green and said ask you mama on the hat. He acted like he was getting into his black BMW but faked me out opened the door to the car then went back into the hotel. A week later this same guy text me asked me if i wanted to hang out. This dude had the same car but it was not the same person. The guy in the picture above had fat fingers, the guy I at the Bridge Water Hotel had skinny fingers and was slimmer and had different hair. These CUNTS pulled a fast one on my ass for some reason. Also saw the same guy I met at the Bridge Water out side my apartment one evening when the power went out. Right before that I saw 2 black suburbans drive by very fast while I was smoking a cigarette and then the power went out just in our block of the the Viridian. I looked out my front door when the power went out and saw Brendan from Bridger water also holding a Ipad and someone else standing near my door. Daniels Kruse house holding a ipad like he was watching me a Daniel masturbating in the next room. Sounds strange but it is true. I can prove I was at the Bridge Water Hotel from Lyft ride there and back and location pings from my phone.
Minnie David ask me to strip down to my boxers in Faith Mahoneys home on Oleander Dr Goldsboro NC 1993. While Faith watched this went on for 15 minutes or so. That is very uncomfortable for a gay guy, I was very naive at the age to much of a people pleaser.
Thank you for your time
Christopher Michael Phillips
Raleigh NC 27613
I update my blog weekly so please check every week for a update.
This sounds insane.
ReplyDeleteCan we make an Interview?
ReplyDeletethis is done by v2k contact me at it is also happening to me 24/7 this can aparently be done without a micro chip as well it appears someone got ahold of millitary tech and has been useing this on innocent victims for a long time now.satalites are weapons not just for internet this technology has been out since 1962 and has only advanced ever since.befor this started i would say it is impossible for people to read minds and harass people it is a computer program the broadcasts with very low frequecys rf and elf.i have done allot of research if any one else has any questions on this subject feel free to email me i will reply as soon as i can.if you have an implant of any sort that just makes it easyer the stalk and harrass individuals.
ReplyDeleteits not electronic light frequencies... those are just detected from radiation. Happened to me when i was five because i kicked a one hit wonder rockstar in the dick with both feet... his drummer is my uncle in law... he's dead now. I joined the air force when i was 18. Graduated days after 9/11. The Sunday before 9/11 someone tried to kill me using it. I sweat and lost conscientiousness... Odd it was the same location where HW and Laura Bush died. Rouge pigs used to moonlight for Nambla. Someone just feels because of your homosexuality you will be easy to manipulate as well as your rfid chip there. The Snowbird bandit was my neighbor he robbed six banks and got a slap on the wrist because he was a former cop. MOVE far away(best advice) until they can be backhacked and i can kill them. email me on a side note i got the best story of stolen valour. When i moved back to OC(satanic white trash place in cali) I took my high school crush out on a date and we had too much in common. Took her back to my place and all my electronics were possessed. Then she wound up marrying this guy who seemed to steal my identity and my credits. Later they had a kid and she found out he was an oc sheriff. Move to some place VERY religious. Even Mormons are more tolerant and accepting and loving of homosexuality than satanists. hope this helps Since i will never have a family of my own or any success I have to fight these people and the children i save are mine, even if we never meet.
ReplyDeleteIt started again when covid started. Neighbors, a bass player from a one hit wonder band who snuck onto langley before moved in next door. My apartment was broken into. I barely survived, severe TBI.
ReplyDeleteAlso have you heard of Elon Musk's Neural Link. These people are not only satanic they are cave men holding back human progress and commiting industrial espionage.
It’s the deep state taking liberties away from innocent people and having too much government power to be held accountable. They corrupt everyone to do their bidding, I have experience most of what Chris speaks about. They are of the devil. We need the real government to expose them. Those who support democracy without the elite.