Blatant Harassment and Torture of a gay person by IBM and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Denver

PLEASE CLICK THE RED LINK DIRECTLY BELOW FOR 25 CERTIFIED AFFIDAVITS FROM EX-EMPLOYEES CIA FBI NSA AND REGULAR PEOPLE LIKE US TARGETED FOR WHISTLE-BLOWING CLICK THE BLUE LINKS DIRECTLY BELOW FOR LINK 51 Government Research Documents and Patents on Electronic Weapons and Implants Video evidence from the chip in my ear. Bug detectors do not lie it picks up frequencies between 1mhz to 8ghz. Targeted Individual Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), Voice to skull (V2K) Evidence Proof 2017 UN Starts Investigation to Ban Cyber Torture Research and Data About Organized Gang Stalking, aka Police and Counter-Intelligence Stalking, aka Community Policing and Police Stalking Harassment Pictures Of Perpetrators In Colorado Harassment Pictures Small Vandalism In Home Colorado Neuropsychological and Electronic “No-Touch Torture”. The Spectrum of ‘Interrogation” and Torture Techniques Used by the US and its Allies TOP SECRET Behavioural Science Support fo...